Fall in love with autumn.

Autumn is the perfect time of year to connect to your essence and 

cleanse your body and mind of all that does not serve your highest self.

The summer comes to an end and the colours change brilliantly all around us. The sky is at its bluest and creates incredible contrast for the beautiful warm-hued leaves. The air is cooler and drier and this clarity inspires us to let go and release all that is holding us back before we yet again transition into the dark, cold winter months. This time of year is a special window through which we can clearly see what we need (and what we don't need), both externally and internally. 

This is a time for returning back home to ourselves, drawing our awareness inwards. It invites us to craft healthful structures, rituals, and routines at school, work, and in our daily lives. 


Content for all of Autumn

The Living Yolates Late Summer Program has tons of content for you to enjoy all year round.

You’ll find:
Training videos between 30-75 minutes in length
Meridian Line Massage
Tips for creating a self-loving environment
Guided meditations
Awareness & Mindfulness Exercises
Breathing Exercises
Nutritional tips and recipes.


Guided through autumn by Sarah Britton

Get a clear overview about the food and herbs that are important to incorporate during autumn as it is time to support your lungs and large intestine. 

All of the The Living Yolates Late Autumn Program is available to you once you’re a member of Living Yolates Circle - our online platform, where you can dive in to all of our courses and programs.